The republican rep Eric Cantor today pushed the agenda to shut down government. This has been their rant for the past two years. The goal to gridlock government and cut services to millions of Americans. To stop American jobs. Now they want to shift the blame to the President. Oh please Mr. Cantor we are going to blame you. You are the ones who insist on having tax cuts for the wealthy. You don't care if the government federal employees stop getting paid for month after month. This happen before and we told you that we didn't want this type of republican hijacking crap so stop acting like terrorist. Mr. Cantor and rest of you lazy republicans need to get it through your under achieving little brains.... lower spending and stop the tax breaks for the wealthy through compromise!! Quit this all of nothing crap. Seriously no one buys it!! Your party is acting like a bunch of spoiled rich kids... obviously that was the way you were raised, but it time to wake up. We didn't just send you all to congress to sit on your ass until everyone you want elected are there.
The rest of us work in the real world and it's not always perfect but we still get the job done. Also quit harping on health care reform. Many of us have read the bill and know what's in it. I understand health insurance companies bought your election and want results... too bad! It's a good bill and the insurance companies are going to have to learn to live with disappointment. You need to move forward and get back to work and stop bitching to media.
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