Thursday, November 11, 2010


I read something really enlightening in a book, When Christians Get it Wrong by Adam Hamilton.  So I decided to quote a couple paragraphs in its entirety because I felt it was very important that we a start paying attention to the way we behave.
“Some Christians, in the name of God, say and do things in the realm of politics that are the antithesis of the gospel: slander, gossip, malicious talk, mean-spirited rhetoric, disrespect and worse.  This has been particularly true when it comes to spreading rumors and half-truths using the Internet.  I am disappointed at how often Christians I know forward slanderous e-mail to everyone on their email list without taking the time to verify the claims in the message.  It doesn’t matter whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you have a moral and spiritual responsibility not to slander or send out inflammatory emails about the opposing party or its candidates.
The apostle Paul offers instructions for Christians to conduct themselves in all areas of life.  These words are particularly pertinent when it comes to politics.”
Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear.  And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God…. Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another.  Ephesians 4:29-32

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Republicans making Shit up

Apparently these days you can just make shit up and call it news or better yet fact.  If I did this at work or in one of my classes I would either be fired or expelled. 

Really we as American's should be able to fire Michele Bachmann.  Did you see the crap she made up on Anderson Cooper?  Oh my goodness!  According to Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann, are: $200 million a day, $2 billion total, 34 diverted Navy ships, a 2,000-person presidential entourage, and 870 hotel rooms in India.

My Michele... how much bull shit can we really handle?  Did anyone really believe this?  Imagine for a moment if you told this whopper of a lie about someone at your job.  You'd shortly be filing for unemployment.

"I will take the liberty this time of dismissing as absolutely absurd this notion that somehow we're deploying 10 percent of the Navy, some 34 ships and an aircraft carrier in support of the president's trip to Asia," Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell told reporters this week. "That's just comical. Nothing close to that is -- is -- being done."

I actually spoke to a vet about this and he just laughed.  The absurdity of the republican party is reaching an all new high.  Do they just sit around and try to think of the craziest things to say.  If they are making up all these crazy stories how do we know when to trust them?  The republican are over and over again proving they are the most untrustworthy group in America.

THE REAL USA: Just another republican shut down

THE REAL USA: Just another republican shut down: "The republican rep Eric Cantor today pushed the agenda to shut down government. This has been their rant for the past two years. The goal ..."

Just another republican shut down

The republican rep Eric Cantor today pushed the agenda to shut down government.  This has been their rant for the past two years.  The goal to gridlock government and cut services to millions of Americans.  To stop American jobs.  Now they want to shift the blame to the President. Oh please Mr. Cantor we are going to blame you.  You are the ones who insist on having tax cuts for the wealthy.  You don't care if the government federal employees stop getting paid for month after month.  This happen before and we told you that we didn't want this type of republican hijacking crap so stop acting like terrorist.  Mr. Cantor and rest of you lazy republicans need to get it through your under achieving little brains.... lower spending and stop the tax breaks  for the wealthy through compromise!!  Quit this all of nothing crap.  Seriously no one buys it!! Your party is acting like a bunch of spoiled rich kids... obviously that was the way you were raised, but it time to wake up.  We didn't just send you all to congress to sit on your ass until everyone you want elected are there. 

The rest of us work in the real world and it's not always perfect but we still get the job done.  Also quit harping on health care reform.  Many of us have read the bill and know what's in it.  I understand health insurance companies bought your election and want results... too bad!  It's a good bill and the insurance companies are going to have to learn to live with disappointment.  You need to move forward and get back to work and stop bitching to media.